• Construction of Island Glades’ Affordable Homes Under Way
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  • Welcoming An Auspicious CNY In Imperial Grande
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  • Ideal Residency Ground Breaking Ceremony
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  • Ideal Property Group receives Best Affordable Homes Developer
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  • Malaysia’s First Virtual Mall to Launch in Q3
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  • CMCO: YB Jagdeep and Mayor visit to Imperial Grande
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  • Ideal United Bintang to develop PR1MA project
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  • CMCO: Chief Minister visits to I-Santorini
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  • MCO: Chief Minister visits to Queens Waterfront
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  • Forest Ville Ready to Welcome its First Residents
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  • Ideal to Redevelop Swettenham Pier with PPC
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  • Ideal, PR1MA in RM828m Property Project on Penang Island
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